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International Business Environment

International Business Environment1. International business environmentBook0)Business mean to busy in an activity, which are related to money almost business have 50% chances of profit and losses.(Morrison, j. 2002)Business is operated in every part of the world. As the business grow. It is looking for new opportunities across the border. International business is the term use for the operation and objective of the organisation that have interest in other countries. For example Tesco, Ford, General Motor, McDonald, Disney, so many other companies. These companies have key interest to standardise their product for general acceptance. The international business becomes more complex. Tie between the different societies and organisations. (Meldrum, D.H) as businesses inter into new market it chances of 50% losses increases. Due to different in economic, political, cultural structure, policies, geography and currencies. These factor decreases profit ratio of international investment. There are no specific criteria to measure such in-stability.